and so it is

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

the last of my final exam, over =) had a random flashback during the exam, that the very first test i sat for in my uni life was for a subject taught by this same lecturer. vaguely remember how mad he got when us noobie first sem students back then were a little out of hand in the exam hall for our very first uni test. prompted him spit out the phrase "shame on you!" while trying to settle us down. i found the whole thing very funny, cos those words and the way he said it was damn out of place. in fact, back then i was probably catching a friend's eye and smirking at his hilarious fit of anger.


wahahahaha. goodness, waaaaayyyyyyyyy back during our first sem O_O

i think i'm in denial that my uni life is approaching its end. no la haven't ended yet, still got thesis to kao tim. and then...

i'll be done =)

and if the world decides to catch up with me
still little victories

0 tortoises in a row!: