very important

Saturday, June 24, 2006

li qin totally cracks me up sometimes.

so we were talking on the phone and she was asking if i've bought the neccessities.

me: eh eh list out the stuff.

liqin: neccessities la!

me: like???

liqin: like...... shampoo~~~

me: ...... shampoo...... -_-"

but nothing beats this. after naming a few PROPER neccessities (e.g. pillow, bedsheets, clothes, etc)......

me: yeah, so anything else......

liqin: *thinks*

me: come, quick think of something!

liqin: aaaaaah ah~, i know i know......

me: what?

liqin: ...... keychain~~ for the key~~~

me: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! *dies laughing*


so people, remember to buy keychain for your key. so can hang your key. very important, yes.


4 tortoises in a row!:

ьем said... qin so cute! i actually burst out laughing after reading this post ahaha ;p

sherry said...

ck: haha ya la! i was rolling off my chair with laughter when she said that! XD

Anonymous said...

u either laugh out loud straight away..or be like me...*blink blink.....blink.

typical li qin...i wonder why she didnt say anything about cute stuff? :P

keychain for the key...yes, very important. u might just lose the key.

sherry said...

reb: actually i DID go *blink blink* and i was speechless for quite a bit before i burst out laughing! XD