
Saturday, August 18, 2007

at genting right after (literally)our final final exam last sem.
me, wen & jue (two roomies), eline (ex-roomie!), chengni (ex-roomie's new roomie!)

sitting on ronald mcdonald's knee. he was hard. >=)

that was my hostel room in upm. the right side's my part of the room.
that's the sexy back of eline. taken right before sem break,
so she's in the midst of packing up all her stuff.

my side of the room.
if u think that's my bra on the bed, then that's what it is.*coughsportsbracough*
oh, and spot the little daniel pic at the board on the wall! XD

group pic (taken at my workplace). not all are my colleagues tho.
taken in a desperate attempt by yuen to remember us by.
he's the one sitting with crotch exposed,ultimate lansi expression on face.
omg so so so yeng! *swoons*

kinda like this version, more natural.
weikhuan's expression for one, yuen being idiotically pervy,
kaishuen and sokfoon's laughing.

ya ya, me. sherry wong pei min, reseach assistant. looking a bit too grinny at work.

and this is how i currently look like - the michelin man. -_-"
yeah, me, sherry the blimp. ARRRGGGHHHH.
need. to. diet. wtf.

6 tortoises in a row!:

Felicia said...

HAHAHAAHAHAHA blimp indeed..*koff* nice pics though belated.

sherry said...

flea: eh jgn cabut! i gotta get pics from u also -_-

Felicia said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you chase me when im online la!

Cornelius said...

Crotch exposed= um, you know why right? I have the goods there. Damn, why am I talking things like this with an underage girl..

Hehe..I know you missed me.

I get it, I get it.. Mail you more right..

sherry said...

corny: WOI, what underaged girl! ya ya, miss you soooo much. can't live without you~


blog more/email more. me and the dog really DO miss u la.

Nurul Athirah said...

What course did u take??