because it's weird to me

Friday, October 19, 2007

it is seldom that i blog about something right after it happens, but this time i just can't help it mannnn.

my superior walked in carrying a colleague's 7-month-old baby, at which, you know, he was making all those cute sounds ppl make when they're playing with a baby.

which weirded me out like anything.

i wanted to carry the baby as well (bout the same age as isaac, yo), but i think i was too distracted and busy getting weirded out -_-"

geez, i don't even know why, cos i've always had the knowledge that he's pretty learned in child psyc and all, and that reminds me - not like he wasnt surrounded with kids before anyway. my childhood wth wth.

... also, can't wait to tease someone. MUAHAHA. ok i shall be nice and not kacau so much.

shit, hope my superior doesnt stumble upon this or anything. yeah and i'm blogging while at work. you gotta wonder what they pay me for. zomg i'll ruin my own career one day wth.

er back to facebook work.

[edit]: ok, that fact that he sings meredith brooks with aplomb has gotta take the cake. was damn worth it, picking that song. HAHA.

3 tortoises in a row!:

ekah bekah rebekah said...

honestly, i dont really know what u are writing.

Cornelius said...

Hm, ur superior?
Anybody I might know?
Dun tell me it's ur Deedee Koko!

sherry said...

chajjye: haha sorry babe, i was aware that no one would really get it. next time we bersembang more, ok?

corny: i know that u know it's him la! now, just imagine him belting out "bitch" wahaha. dunno why i'm so damn amused, but i just am!!