aw, no...

Friday, December 28, 2007

this is kinda sad. i've occasionally dropped by wehategoodmusic after chancing upon the website a couple of months ago when i googled for anamanaguchi.

there is (ok, was) an extensive list and posts on really good bands and artistes, of which i obviously didn't have the time to properly explore all of them. i usually checked out a band here or an artiste there after browsing through some posts when i visit the site intermittently. of course, there will be so many more to explore, but i figured, alright, don't overload! make a mental note, drop by the site now and then for updates.

so basically yeah, i'm really new at the site, and still very much of a noob when it comes to music. but it doesn't make me any less sad that the site's been ended. but i respect the decision, of course. it's obvious that a lot of hard work has been put into the site, and the guy needs a break.

this year, i've been given a few catalysts to jump-start and get my music-discovery journey along, this site being one of them. before i really sound like some sappy hallmark tribute, i'll just end this post...

i hate good music too. >=)

0 tortoises in a row!: