sila pangkah

Monday, March 03, 2008 has this awesome Who-To-Vote-This-Election Decision Generator! haha but more on that later.

quite a number of people have been asking who i'll be voting for this coming saturday. i either reply that i'm still weighing my options (what, nothing wrong with taking a longer time to decide), or i joke that i'll chuck in an undi rosak. you know, maybe draw a nice nike-style tick instead of an "X". or a smiley face. geez, i'm so juvenile.

there's a reason why i'm not a hundred percent enthusiastic over who to vote for. i guess if push come to shove, then yes, i have sorta made up my mind.

(push come to shove = on saturday when i'm finally at the booth)

but if i were still confused, not to fear, has the Who-To-Vote-This-Election Decision Generator, which could actually have some element of accuracy. what, it was accurate for me mah. =p

ask what ask, votes are supposed to be confidential ok *cough* yeah anyway i asked my parents who will they be voting for and haha, i'm quite amused with their different point of views.

anyway, you can't blame people (like me) who get a little confused. nevermind the sweet-talking, so manyyy flags and buntings and banners and posters so colourful so dizzying so distractinggg. eh you know, my friend nearly crashed into another car today cos she was too busy admiring some dap candidate punya poster, which apparently is some pretty chick. right.

too confused? watch this clip and be enlightened!

i shall end this post with some, uh, patriotism. a video. got pretty girl! i wonder how many of us are already damn sick of this ad (i'm not even gonna include other ads ok, too many). this one in particular annoys the hell out of me la every time i ter-mouse-over the thing when i sign into my hotmail.

BN testimonials from... hmm, you know,
nice regular Msian citizens who look professional and well-informed

"basically, you're... you're allowed to be yourself."

vote for MALAYSIA.

i'm not even gonna go into the whole "there's no point of voting cos it won't make a difference" when what's more pressing is that it's hard to follow the adage to "make the right choice", when the choices one is looking at just don't make it to the mark.

p.s. on a totally unrelated note: i need a decent internship. PRONTO!!!

11 tortoises in a row!:

Unknown said...

I thought you already had internship?

sherry said...

felicia: eh no la, since when i'm on internship? i'm doing part time job now la dear, bukan internship. internship is this may and june.

Anonymous said...

Boy, am I glad that I'm overseas and was unable to register for voting before coming here.

All problems solved! :D:D


sherry said...

bonnie: heh, well, even if you weren't overseas, would there be problems? what sort of problems are you referring to?

ekah bekah rebekah said...

i know how u feel. i am like quite confused at who to vote for. i'd bet if daniel lee run for parliament u'd vote for him. you'd probably rejoice because they aren't doing the indelible ink anymore, so you can vote, vote and vote again.


Felicia said...

what? *lost*

and if Daniel Lee was in the candidate list.. I think our country is going into ruins. Might as well have have people like Fahrenheit go fight for presidency in Taiwan or something.. or Jae Chou...

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.. wth I need to check myself into a mental institution. -_-

Felicia said...

OMG did I just spell Jay as JAE...*faints* gawd please hit my head now

Anonymous said...

Eh,you want to consider the place I did my internship?
I can suggest to my boss if you want.

Last resort la,k XD

sherry said...

chajjye: hahaha. aiya daniel lee so cute, of course vote for him la. msian idol ke, elections ke, the same la. voting mah. HAHA.

felshia: u spelled JAE chou! wahaha omg.

xue: hehe thanks dear. got edi =D

Anonymous said...

Man! Missed the BN Testimonials video. Removed! Argh. Where's the pretty girl? Definitely not the starting girl on the vid right? Anyways the Pak lalala was friggin funny. I laughed out loud. Man, the most important elections in decades and I missed it. Tab is probably Americanized so her loyalties might be there now. wahahahah...

sherry said...

step! haha, they really removed the BN promo video... geez, it'd be kinda embarrassing anyway to have it still online, after BN's loss. and pretty girl is the starting one la!! not pretty meh??quite cute wat.

and the Pak lalala vid where the whole samy vellu leaving the party part, is ironically true! goodness.