narnia: prince caspian

Thursday, May 29, 2008

ever since i first saw the poster... last year? i was wondering if prince caspian would look as hot in the movie as he does in the movie poster. damn yeng wey the poster!

so yeah. i watched the movie because...

of him!

damn yeng! =D

knight in not-so-shining armour, the way i like it! >=D
what, armour too shiny quite gay la right.
not shiny = rough and manly wth.

okay moving on to non-prince-caspian pics... meaning pics of the actor himself =D

omg damn cute damn cute!

i like it when the actor looks good/better than character played. i mean, no disappointment like what you get from viggo mortensen. viggo mortensen < aragorn. very sad.

oh, erm yeah! the movie! what, you thought this was gonna be a review? ya la review, review on ben barnes. *cough*

ok ok fine, obligatory few words on the movie - passable, not too sucky, can go watch.

... what i mean is (obligatory elaboration sial), it's definitely better than the first movie, which i thought kinda sucked eg the white witch was damn ridiculous. this one has better scenes... but some may find parts of the movie boring. just mentioning.

two parts reminded me a lot of lotr. trees and water. hmm. no la not spoilers, all i said was trees and water.

now back to prince caspian =D erm ben barnes. geez i'm so superficial, not even chucking out a few sentence on the lessons learned eg moral of the story of prince caspian. ok la so the lion muncul at last and saved the day. if you don't want to see lion you won't see lion, but if you believe lion exist you can seEeEEEe the lion. sounds as if it defeats some sense of logic, but there you go.

oh, and lion roars at you if you did not believe in lion prior to appearance of said lion.

i'm kidding la. but that's really what happened in the movie.

now. can we get back to ben barnes? yes? thank you.

ooo, brooding. yum.

a younger him looking kinda... pretty boy.

and a more recent pic of him, also looking like a pretty boy.

ok fine, i like pretty boys. there you have it. *cough*

7 tortoises in a row!:

Anonymous said...

why do i sense this coming? why do i sense this coming? why do i sense this coming? why do i sense this coming? why do i sense this coming?

well, you can anticipate dawn treader now, no?

sherry said...

hahah cos u know i like pretty boys like ben barnes? XD

and yeshhh dawn treader! but isn't his role kinda smaller? =\

Anonymous said...





ekah bekah rebekah said...

no. in dawn treader his role could be as big as this in the movie. besides, he has to get married in dawn treader. but, donno? cause different director, different composer, no more peter and a eustace. i rather watch it because of the ship and reepicheep.

sherry said...

bonnie: WAHAHAHA YAY another prince caspian fan! =D

chajjye: eh, reepicheep is cute but ben barnes is cuteR... hmm okla, both also worth watching haha.

Anonymous said...

Is Dawn Treader coming out next?!? Awesome! My ALL-TIME Favourite NARNIA book! Yes! Reepicheep! Dragons! And one of the coolest scenes/ most enduring memories I have of the series (they were read to me by my mom when I was 5 or 6) something to do with Edward, go read it urself! I haven't even watched Caspian but I watched Kung Fu Panda! Which is probably 1000X better since I couldn't give a cow's banjo about Ben Barnes.

BTW, SHerrz, CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien were contemporaries and pals if I'm not mistaken. I'm reading a LOT of CS Lewis cause I think he's freegin awesome! He dedicates one of his books to "his friend", JRR Tolkien

sherry said...

step: yes dawn treader is coming out next =) though i honestly can't remember much of the story... i can't remember much of the whole narnia series, actually.

and yeah, i know that lewis and tolkien were good friends... they were in some sort of club or something if i'm not mistaken? i should check out some of lewis's work, although his style is not quite what i like. he has sarcasm though, so let's see if those rub me the right way =)

p.s. ben barnes is super cute!!!!