Saturday, June 07, 2008

sorry that was my reaction when i got wind that DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE might be coming to MALAYSIA!

i remember whining at jo ann the other day when we were talking about DCFC concert in aus. and now i'm getting news that they just might come to malaysia! awesome.

another time i whined to jo ann (yes i whine a lot) was when switchfoot toured australia... and THEN switchfoot came to malaysia earlier this year!

i should really whine more. hahaha!

(and perhaps if i had whined harder, switchfoot might have performed 24 in malaysia =( ok i'm not making any sense now.)

right, DCFC. i shall be checking HERE for more updates yay.

i'm also wondering who's the organizer? hmm will find out soon enough if dcfc confirmed coming.

2 tortoises in a row!:

Felicia said...

*smacks sherry* homg if you whined more I think I will drown you....!!

sherry said...

but but.... but whyyyyyy~

hahaha. but i didnt whine to youuuu wor =(

AND i was (still am) very sad that switchfoot didnt sing 24 =(