caught off guard

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

i would say that in this particular aspect, things have never looked better. well, as compared to not so long ago.

in fact, i think i can safely say that i'm finally reaching that stage. i'm almost there. and i know it.

however. i also know that i'll have to admit to myself that it's never going to be a hundred percent. that's not gonna happen. not a bad thing per se, it just... is.

and because of that, i will allow myself certain emotions, every once in a very long while, and not beat myself over it.

and i did exactly that - to allow the brief pang of emotions to sweep through me. caught off guard, it happened - that moment of recognition, and the feelings that ensued. well, moments like this are bound to happen eventually anyway. and probably in the future. just... less impact as time goes by =)

i think it's time to cut myself some (more) slack. and be nicer to myself =)

oh, and to respect myself a little more too =P

(cheh, like doing new year's resolution wth -_-)

0 tortoises in a row!: