bloody hell

Monday, February 27, 2006

it's not even my fault.

the latest project i'm doing is where i'm a recruiter - i call up people and ask them to come (in person) to my company on a specific time and date to join a group discussion.

99% of the time i get this question "where did u get my name and number?", which isn't surprising cos i call them on their handphones and i have their names from the contacts list.

sometimes we're allowed to reveal our client's name but not for this case. and obviously i'm very adapt at handling questions like this.

or so i thought.

today my superior's superior wanted to see me cos someone i called up sent a letter of complaint asking us where we got her contacts and also telling us not to call her ever again.

WTH man.

i was told to mark the person's name on the namelist so we'll know to remove her contacts from our database. so i went through the namelist looking for her name.

and i noticed the comment box next to her name - she had WANTED ME TO CALL HER BACK NEXT WEEK TO RECONFIRM IF SHE COULD JOIN IN THE GROUP DISCUSSION.

wtf she pretended to be all interested just to get my company's address and all so she could bloody send in her complaint.

*starts swearing and cursing*

but good thing both my superiors didnt blame me at all - they were very nice about the whole thing cos OBVIOUSLY the respondant is crazy.

but i feel damn yuan(1) wang(3) leh!

look, not like i'm such a pro at this job but there are actually a few people who liked talking to me. one lady was so taken by me that she wanted to pair me up with her 25-year-old son who is kononnya tall and handsome WOOT.


ok, now i feel better.

and yes, i'm sticking to this job cos the pay's pretty good. so far.

12 tortoises in a row!:

sherry said...

pesky: indeed. so why am i weirdass.

Anonymous said...

u poor thing... hahaha... actually to tell u the truth, if ur company called oso i would not respond... hehe... well, unless of course if i have a fren working there and my fren is the one calling la... hehehehe... :D

Felicia said...

ciz anyone call i immediately hang up. or else next time new tactic i will scold them, or make them yak and waste money then say sorry not interested kakaakkakak learned it from comic

sherry said...

er!c: hahahahahah no lar me no poor thing my bosses so nice about it. and actually ah, if me also i malas layan calls like that HAHAHA. of cos now my mindset diff la, heh.

pesky: haha DON'T SCOLD. we freaking hate ppl who are so BLOODY rude when we're so polite and affable. make us yak nvm la. mana waste money? company pay anyway wakaka.


awww..poor sherry.. :(

at least you have a potential match now.. hahahah :D

Felicia said...

polite and affable???? hello, esp if handphone who will be nice to you? imagine you being the one kena called. some more sometimes some voices damn menyampah over the phone -_-"

sherry said...

ck: haha awww thx =) and yeah! got chance of match wahahahaha but takut the lady see me in person she'll pengsan, then how? -_-"

pesky: hahahaha exactly handphone lagi personal so harder to get ppl. and YET i managed to get more than 20 ppl HAH. all hail the tortoise WOOT.


hahaha..maybe she'll start pinching your cheeks and keep telling you how cute you are xD hahahah

Anonymous said...

sure or not?
maybe it was you talking on the phone..girl, you must be so lonely

sherry said...

ck: HAHAHAHAHA aiyooo ck u damn funny la! XD

reb: yes yes i'm sure! hahaha. i'm NOT lonely! hehe... i have great colleagues. =)

Felicia said...

li qin laughed at your new job la...-_-" you see, told you it was funny job haha

sherry said...

pesky: hahahahahaha though i'm not surprised she laughed la. she laughs at everything la! lol...