because i feel like posting something

Thursday, May 11, 2006

the remedy - jason mraz

was on my way to work today, driving on the highway, and it was raining though not too heavily.

spotted this car that was stopped at the side, emergency lights on and all. probably tyre punctured la, saw one figure holding an umbrella and another crouching at one of the tyres.

thing is, the guy was holding the umbrella for the lady who had to crouch in a freaking SKIRT.

anyway, i have a thing that guys should be good with cars (not that girls shouldnt).

even if it's something small, like the other day when my car alarm went off in the deserted car park late at night. was mildly annoyed cos couldnt stop it.

i wasnt too bothered, though. just as i predicted, in a minute the mid valley policeman(?) stopped by, fiddled a little with the wiring (or whatever it is) and all was good.

so yeng, ok.

see, that's why i find step incredibly sexy in this post of his.

(just kidding XD )


ok fine, i admit i'm totally useless when it comes to cars.

at least now i know how to pump air into the car tyres!

anyway! on a totally unrelated topic - what should i do with my hair? vote vote!

if u cant recall how my hair looks like or even how i look like... ah, just vote anyway.


8 tortoises in a row!:

Unknown said...

was that even a guy? man , i wouldnt do that..ever..

Anonymous said...

WTF?!?! What the hell kinda guy is that?? I personally think girls should learn how to change tires and not depend on guys. (I myself have changed 3 tires XP). But Step sexy? Hmmm... Maybe a little.

Felicia said...

can change tyres but i sure as heck hate changing tyres. bleah.

i voted for shave it la. but then the poll results tak turn up

Anonymous said...


useless men.

anyway..ur hair too thick. wanted to vote for shaving, but'll probably freak all of us out. but then, u donno till u try!

Anonymous said...

really, stick to ur hair now...straightening and curling it makes more job...

straighten u need to blow it everyday. curl u need to mousse it everyday.

sherry said...

gunnerkid: yes it was a man... not even some young fella. not like u mah, such a gentleman. =P

bonnie: yep i agree that girls should learn, but still! the guy should be doing the job! and yes, step is like, totally hot. yeah.

felixiah: why u and poh the same ah, ask me to shave hair? cos i complain bout my hair too much? haha...

reb: another one that wants me to shave hair. actually my hair not thick, it just frizzes out... curl mmg need to maintain but straightening no need to blow la dear.

Anonymous said...

LOL. You better hope he doesnt read this. I've underestimated guy's ego too often to know... Sigh.

sherry said...

bon: hehe, he wont read wan :D