ooh look!

Friday, May 12, 2006

嘿嘿,我终于可以用华文blog 了!XD


(谁叫我是电脑白痴,过了那么久才会在blog 上publish 华文字。。。)

其实,用华语blog 还蛮辛苦leh。。。*流汗*

不过很爽(我爽就好啦!)。yes i know i'm damn 无聊。

ok i definitely prefer blogging in english. sedang syiok sendiri cos i finally figured how to let my blog publish chinese words (it was my own comp's settings, not blog settings. i'm not that slow la). at times i feel like blogging in mandarin mah.

but anyway, had this interesting experience in the cinema today (watched poseidon with chia lin jia lin =D ).

see, the girl sitting next to me was so amusing.

we were watching the x-men 3 movie trailer and the blue woman (mystique? sorry, not much of an x-men fan, heh) appeared.

and then the girl next to me gasped audibly and went "ee-yer~!".

not just once, ok.


nevermind that.

movie started, and for those not in the know, what happens is the ship - poseidon, gets whammed by this hugeass wave.

(and don't be stupid, that wasn't a spoiler.)

hugeass as it was, i didnt know it could induce such fear in the audience...

i mean, there she was - whimpering, covering her eyes with her hands, peeking between her fingers.

scene: huge wave rising higher threatening to swallow ship.

girl: *whimperGASPwhimper*

me: *chuckles at huge wave*

scene: wave hits ship!

girl: *covers face in hands* WHIMPERwhimperwhimper

me: woot. that was cool.

couldnt help smirking everytime she whimpered. she was so idiotic la, ok.

oopsies, that was kinda mean.

...... gee, i love poking fun at people like her. =)

4 tortoises in a row!:

rebekah said...

you are de-sensitized liao lah...ppl gasp at waves, u laugh at them. tsk tsk tsk.

sherry said...

reb: hehehe, the wave was quite cool. and i didnt laugh la, i chuckled. heehee. XD

Felicia said...

it's called the narcotising dysfuncion of the mass media.

sherry said...

felixiah: yep u told me b4. i think.