
Friday, June 22, 2007

a (not even) half baked blog post to move daniel lee down. -_-"

to save your eyes, my darlings. to show my gratitude to those who actually come here. your eyes are precious to me.


didn't have a good day. wasnt a bad day. it was just blah. in between. can't even whine properly cos it wasnt sucky or anything. just no mood the whole day. and i was out shopping, no less.

ya, no mood while shopping, when i took a day off to shop wth.

actually, i took a day off for some time alone, out of the house. and to shop cos it's been ages since.

then i ended up in mph. sigh.

maybe i should've used today to meet up with some friends (cos so many of u havent seen my muka for so long right. yes i know).

but wanted to be alone mah. as in alone in a crowd not alone alone.

realised new sem is starting in bout 2 weeks time. so not ready wth. plus the bei-ness from my last sem results still hits me every now and then.

BEI. ok? damn BEI. -_-"

things will be taking place during august which means a lot of work starting july (well, actually now but... nvm).

i'm still a bummer at heart!

great, it's about three and i should obviously be sleeping.

but i'm being incredibly stupid, thinking of... stuffs. i think i did the right thing, which i obviously did cos it's so obviously right.

but sometimes i just wish i made the wrong decision. even while knowing what was inevitable.

maybe there wasnt a right or wrong in that case. sorta like, it's wrong, but it feels right somehow.

for all i know, it could've been worth it going through whatever shit that was bound to happen. maybe it was just about taking the plunge. being in the car crash and not always just the traffic jam.

(ya i like the song)

an invisible line binds me. i don't venture further.

the line is good. it's there for a reason. but i get the urge to just do away with the stupid line. it's dotted btw. dotty-ish.

and grey. -_-"


so tonight i won't be sleeping. again.

told you this isnt even a half baked post.