i'm not weird la

Thursday, August 02, 2007

but i got tagged by joel.

6 Weird Things About Me:

(i'm actually not weird la, SIX weird things, hard to come up with wey. heh.)

1. i argue with/talk to myself in my head. i think a lot of people do it, though? but i tend to have more than 2 voices in my head arguing. three, usually. i even tell myself not to be rude to another self wth. ok go figure.

2. my regular karaoke joint is green box. not that sister of red box, but my tortoise car. and i like tapping or drumming away on the steering wheel. damn i wanna learn drums laaaa.

3. i do not like clowns.

4. if a dot of chili sauce/belacan/similiar spicy sauce touches my food, i wont eat the portion. and if it enters my soup then... ya la all gone. i'm anal like that.

5. i have the shortest fingers. girls shorter/tinier than me have longer fingers or bigger hands.

6. i like it when i insult someone in a sarcastic polite manner and they can't figure if i'm insulting them. like they're torn between retaliating but they don't wanna be rude. usually strangers who have it coming to them la.

ok end.

next blog post or so will be photoblog ok? must show everyone my pwetty and sho cuteeee face wth.

that's when i get pics from others la.

8 tortoises in a row!:

Felicia said...

oops. and i owe you pics... hahahahaaha

Anonymous said...

Felicia! Looks like everyone's hinting at you for photos! Don'tcha feel like a photo archive? :D

Felicia said...

HAH. but you guys are not sporting most of the time....... xDDDD

sherry said...

flea: PICS dear! hahahaha, dont worry, not just from u, i need to get pics from others too.

cpy: waddaya mean, she IS a photo archive. i want moisy pics too come think of it. NYAHAHA.

Anonymous said...

eh, no.6 sounds very familiar. so like one of our classmates. :P

sherry said...

reb: haha really? who who? csf? XD

Anonymous said...

u think? no meh. u always say insulting things to him but he like dont understand u. either that or he's just acting ignorant.

sherry said...

reb: i think sometimes he just can't be bothered to figure what i'm saying =P