ah, no wonder

Monday, September 24, 2007

sis was doing this personality test thing... which i did a couple of years before, that sanguine choleric melancholy phlegmatic thingy.*

so anyway, i'm sanguine phlegmatic (no surprises there), my sister is the total opposite of me - melancholy choleric.

sial, no wonder we're both so different la. was surprised that my sister is so dominantly melancholy. hmm. but i do see the choleric side of her. *coughBOSSYcough*

sis and i were speculating what mum and dad would be. we're guessing dad's predominantly choleric (well, cos he is). and that mum would be melancholy.

and that, my dear readers, would explain a whole lot about the intricacies among my family members.

*at a very brief glance:

sanguine - light hearted, fun, people person, spontaneous, scatter-brained, impulsive, messy, doesn't finish what they start, may avoid facing problems, takes on more than they have time for.

choleric - born leader, strong-willed, confident, decisive, unemotional, independant, excels in emergencies, goal-oriented, bossy, impatient, quick tempered, argumentative, dominating, tactless

melancholy - deep and thoughtful, analytical, serious and purposeful, artistic or musical, sensitive, conscientious, idealistic, easily offended, gets too caught up in details, doesn't do well with change, struggles with insecurity

phlegmatic - low-key, easygoing, patient, well-balanced, consistent, mediator, keeps emotions hidden, inoffensive, good listener, dry wit, procrastinator, unenthusiastic, indecisive, avoids responsibility, reticent, too compromising, self-righteous, lacks motivation, lazy

6 tortoises in a row!:

ekah bekah rebekah said...

i told u this what...sangphleg eh...im a melsang! hahaha..we are opposites too.

probably i am terrible in dry wit that's why.

yeah yeah...me and my red pepper.

sherry said...

chajjye: ehh, how is it possible to be melsang??? sang can go with phleg or chol, but not mel. u're both introvert and extrovert? -_-"

ekah bekah rebekah said...

yes. it's called ambivert. why is it impossible???

choleric is extrovert
sanguine is extrovert
phlegmatic is introvert
melancholy is introvert

why cannot? we are all like that anyway.

ekah bekah rebekah said...

btw that's why i can be so silly and yet so serious at the same time. i can be thoroughly enjoying a show/book and feeling depressed later. yeah, that's my melsang nature.

sherry said...

chajjye: cos the total opposites are sang vs mel, chol vs phleg. still possible to be sang and phleg, cos they're not total opposites (tho one intro one extro). sang and mel is like, happy and sad at the same time wor.

ekah bekah rebekah said...


why not? i really can do that. be sad and happy bout the same time.

yes. but im also a little of choleric too. im not so phlegmatic though i used to be. cause choleric ppl quite cold one. hahaha. like me.

so by right i should be mel sang cho..

i always know i am three instead of two. then again. i could be a phleg..HAHA...

nolah. my predominant is still mel. my second is sang. third is cho.

after a while i get a little confused though. so oh well. it depends on when i take the personality test. if i was feeling cranky and mel, i'd be mel cho. if i was happy..it'd be mel sang. never melphleg.