just tipping over a little

Monday, October 29, 2007

and spilling a few drops of my thoughts.

i wonder if i'm doing the right thing. who doesn't, no? but i'm wondering if this is the way to take, if this is all it should be.

i recently made a decision which i am proud of. it's small, seemingly insignificant, and it was in a situation where reasoning was made simple and clear. unfortunately, i had to resort to a little white lie. i don't say i made the right decision - in some cases there is no right or wrong. why must things always be in black and white anyway. grey areas people, grey areas. i like grey areas. no definite right or wrong. who died and made you the ultimate judge on what's right and what's wrong anyway.

grey areas lalala. my patience has been running thinner and i'm on the verge of being snarky, sometimes for no apparent reason. i like using sarcasm to induce humour, not to hurt people's feelings. but sometimes it's just getting too irresistable to poke at them. you're asking for it, dears. i'm actually a very nice person, really.

i feel like going into the exam hall with a blank slate of mind (tabula rasa wth) and just see what's the outcome. so exciting. i'll be taking on each question thinking "do i know this shit?" instead of "oh ooohhh this is from the lecture notes woot". but i know the spirit of kiasu-ism, so well cultivated in me since my high school days, will involuntarily kick in and i'll be hitting the books right at the very last minute, just nearly in time to skim through what i need to know. ah, the exhiliration of racing against the clock. mmm, fun fun fun.

am idly wondering what happened to my thirst for straight As.

it's been so long since we've met... well, more like ages since the four of us met up. couple of years? yeah. i think our worlds are so different now. we've all changed, but i get the feeling that you all are closer to what we used to be. i have slowly moved away from that, not something i'm really happy about. i've stopped drawing for a long long time too, only very occasionally doodling a little when i feel like it. hey, let's check out each other's works soon okayy? and stories. i don't hold on to them anymore, but i know at least one of you do, tighter than ever before.

we all have stories to tell. tell me yours, i'll listen. and i'll tell you mine if you'll listen. it's called sherry and the giant beanstalk.

who needs brinjals now. >=)

7 tortoises in a row!:

Felicia said...

overdose on metaphorsssss @.@ *goes into zombie state*

ьем said...

Ah..Tabula Rasa... I'm supposed to know something about that.

Unfortunately I have no idea what it is other than it's related to Bloomfield.

AAANYYYWAYYYY.. you'll make it! *hands brinjals*

sherry said...

felshia: no la, metaphors?? ramblings only mahh O_o

ck: hahaha, yes tabula rasa = blank slate of mind. and ooo, *takes brinjal* hahaha do u know what i'll be doing with it ah >=D

Anonymous said...

Sherry................ Your comment about the brinjal..........


ekah bekah rebekah said...

what's with brinjals, beanstalk and tabula???

tabula sounds like mamula moon.

sherry said...

bonnie: hehe. ahem. well. what about the brinjal? =p

chajjye: *cough* no la better not talk to u bout beanstalks and brinjals. and... tabula sounds like mamula moon? it does? XD

ekah bekah rebekah said...

what am i getting into. sigh.