... and a happy new year

Thursday, January 01, 2009

i do realise that i haven't been blogging for quite a while. and my previous entries were hardly proper blog posts, ahah, shy. surprisingly, i didn't blog last month. december is usually my favourite month, cos there's always CHRISTMAS~ =D but nah, didn't feel the Christmas mood much this year, was too busy running around. Christmas eve wasn't that awesome as i attempted to do some last minute shopping (no i wasn't crazy, i didn't have much choice larr). so i practically spent the eve getting lost amongst the shopping crowd, waiting for the ktm and theN squishing myself in packed ktm. yeah, not exactly very... uh, Christmas-y? only felt a bit more Christmas-sy after going for midnight mass, to celebrate the "bird" of Christ. what, that was how the pastor pronounced it =P

so yeah, how was youR Christmas? mine was pretty ok =) on the day itself i spent some time with my parents, something i haven't done in quite a bit. and it was nice to spend the last few hours of Christmas with someone i wanted to spend it with... plus a little toy elephant that goes quack =)

ok i know i'm a bit late la, talking about Christmas -_- now that it's already the new year. fine, new year's eve kinda rocked too. there you go. haha and oh my gosh, i just checked facebook and... argh incriminating picturessssss -_-

new year's eve. fireworks were awesome, as we were practically standing right under them. awesome and a little scary, but very thrilling =) it was also a day of realisation wth. nah, i just know that i'll need to learn to be more attentive, more mature =) especially when something means this much to us.

on another note, i just finished the alchemist the day before. perhaps the timing is just right, especially when someone has just seriously spoken to me about it. although the book is kinda a tad too spiritual for me. however, i got the main message.

and i'll find my personal legend. i should've done it a long time ago.

oh and by the way, happy new year to all =) i suddenly miss friends that i haven't seen in a while. sigh.

2 tortoises in a row!:

ekah bekah rebekah said...

u suddenly miss friends? hmm.

sherry said...

why i cannot suddenly miss friends! haha.