taggy meme

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

April 1, 1997

1) How old were you? eleven. years. old.

2) Where did you go to school? srjk (c) damansara. which is still closed down. 救救白小! *cough*

3) Where did you work? at 11 years old i decided i wanted to be a pole-dancer already. i worked at very prestigious night clubs.

4) Where did you live? section 17, pj.

5) Where did you hang out? errr at home?

6) Did you wear glasses? yep.

7) Who was your best friend? hmm, bee guan... and rebecca.

8) How many tattoos did you have? none

9) How many piercings did you have? two... as in, one pair.

10) What car did you drive? no car la. but i was a killer on my bike. HAH.

11) Had you been to a real party? yeah and i got drunk.

12) Had your heart broken? i hadnt even had my first crush yet hahaha.

April 1, 2002

1) How old were you? sweet sixteen *snorts*

2) Where did you go to school? smdj

3) Where did you work? i realised being a pole-dancer wasn't really my thang, so i quit and decided to be a student.

4) Where did you live? same place.

5) Where did you hang out? mid valley and 1u kua.

7) Who was your best friend? still bee guan, plus bon xin xue yin flea poh jialin etc etc.

8) Who was your regular-person crush? aha. ahahaha. pasty lego man HAHAHAHA. nevermind, inside joke.

9) How many tattoos did you have? none.

10) How many piercing did you have? none hahaha. people add on piercings but mine sudah closed up instead wth.

11) What car did you drive? none, and never thought i'd be driving one anytime soon.

12) Had you had your heart broken? nope. i'm so lucky woot. *rolls eyes*

April 1, 2007

1) How old are you? twenty one.

2) Where do you work? gerontology institute.

3) Where do you live? cheras, kl. the place where astounding numbers of cars tend to congregate for no apparent reason.

4) Do you wear glasses? i still do. at home.

5) Where do you hang out? i have no social life anymore wth. oh gosh please let everything all be over i NEED some time to let loose.

6) Who is your best friend? ditto yr 2002, plus more... liqin la reb la uni friends la etc la. yes i love everyone wth.

8 ) Do you talk to your old friends? if u mean old OLD friends, yes. just one or two i suppose.

9) How many piercing do you have? none.

10) How many tattoos? one just above my ass la. ok fine, wouldnt mind having one.

11) What kind of car do you drive? my beloved second hand metallic green kancil.

12) Has your heart been broken? nah, haven't met anyone significant enough yet.

anyway! can't wait to watch!

damn yeng.

spidey2 was awesome, hope the third instalment doesnt disappoint. =D

4 tortoises in a row!:

Felicia said...

yesss!! yes yes yes tobey maguireeeeeee!!!

though i nearly died at pasty lego man HAAAAAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHA

sherry said...

flea: hahahaha, why u like hobbits wan. frodo la, tobey maguire la. hehe kidding.

and pasty lego man... HAHAHA. cannot help it la, the whole thing was so ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

wah, im so honoured. im in ur 'besties' list. haha..sound so odd. SO ODD. and hilarious at the same time. and honoured at the same time.

gosh, u do memes from 11 years old? serious.

i like tobey too..as spidey. if someone else is spidey, i would have shivers and prolly purposely talk really loud during the movie like that digi dude.

and CsF have chopped his hair off. hahaha. too much peer pressure i guess.

sherry said...

reb: hahaha, no need make a deal out of it la. =P good friends will be good friends. tobey maguire is almost perfect as spiderman =D

and how short is siufai's hair??? ahahaha, i always thought he looks better in short hair.